Sports Premium
Sporting Statement
At Thorpedene, we believe that Sport should be a fundamental part of all children’s lives.
Not just in competing against other schools but also in terms of the development of skills including teamwork,
collaboration, sharing, turn-taking and respect. At Thorpedene, whether watching, coaching, leading or participating,
we believe that all participants should get the opportunity to participate and enjoy sport.
Therefore, Thorpedene have signed up to uphold the SPSSA Sporting Pledge.
Sporting Events
For information about forthcoming sports competitions please click on the link below to the SPSSA and then go to the Competitions Calendar.
Please note that Thorpedene may not compete in all the events listed.
We here at Thorpedene Primary School and Nursery used the Sport Premium Funding to meet objectives such as the following:
- To increase the level of physical activity for our children at Thorpedene.
- To create opportunities for as many of our children as possible to represent the school.
- To become more successful when competing.
- To encourage Healthy Active Lifestyles within the curriculum and within our extensive extra-curricular opportunities
- To improve the quality of Physical Education
Football, Netball, Hockey, Tag Rugby, Cricket, Rounders, Athletics, Swimming, Basketball, Cheerleading, Dance, Goalball, handball, Badminton, Gymnastics, Circuit Training, Dancersize, Dodgeball Table Tennis, Cross Country and Tennis.
All year groups take part in the Daily Mile to promote active learning and healthy lifestyles.
All of this hard work has resulted in us achieving Silver Sports Mark in July 2017.
Swimming at Thorpedene
By the end of KS2, we aim to ensure all pupils have taken part in swimming lessons and learnt basic skills.
For the prior cohort:
- 72 Children had weekly swimming lessons for one term a year in years 3,4,5
- 72 Children in year 6 had targeted swimming lessons for half a term
- 57 / 72 could swim 25m unaided by the end of the school year
Children learnt a number of strokes including:
- Front crawl
- Backstroke
- Breast stroke
- More able swimmers also learnt butterfly (freestyle) strokes
Children also learnt self-rescue skills in different water based situations. This was a focused priority when in year 6.
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