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How do we teach Maths? 

Maths is taught through building upon the pupil’s prior knowledge and teaching a robust understanding of current age-related expectation with a focus on memory retention, concepts and procedures. Maths is delivered school wide using the BigMaths scheme, alongside resources from White Rose Maths and NRich.

Each lesson is divided up into parts including AfL tasks or CLICs, daily times tables practice, teaching and learning of wider maths concepts and finally, challenge and reflection adapted to the needs of the child.

Each year group has a range of curriculum objectives which have been carefully extracted from the National Curriculum to ensure that all year groups are making the necessary progression in knowledge, concepts and procedures before moving onto new or more complex content. Assessment is carried out daily with formal assessments completed termly.

Maths is contextualised and opportunities are provided for pupils to make connections between their learning how this will impact on them in later life. Opportunities are sought to apply Maths across the curriculum including practical activities such as cooking and DT, as well as outdoor learning.

Maths is taught in classes, and this provides a flexibility in planning so that gaps in pupil’s mathematical knowledge can be addressed. This allows a wide range of vocabulary to be shared amongst pupils of all abilities. Gaps are addressed through careful planning and delivery in class as well as pupil conferencing in small groups, pairs or individually and bespoke intervention groups led by learning support assistants.

Our Maths Lead identifies strong teaching and engages them with teachers for whom Maths is an area for improvement using coaching, modelling and mentoring to strengthen the teaching of Maths. Where necessary, CPD is identified for individuals, groups or whole school to further develop the effectiveness of teaching Maths.

Maths is monitored termly to ensure that we have a consistent approach to the teaching of Maths across the school through: learning walks, discussions with pupils, book scrutiny, assessment and data analysis.

If you would like any more information on how we deliver Maths at Thorpedene please contact the School Office via email or speak to your pupil's teacher: 

Useful Links and Information

Multiplication Tables Check - Mathsframe

Multiplication Tables Check - 2023 -

Times Tables Rock Stars (