Southend Foodbank Family Fun Day
Friday 27th OCtober 2023
Bouncy castle, crafty fun & lunch
Friday 27th OCtober 2023
Bouncy castle, crafty fun & lunch
21st September 2023: 6.00pm - 8.00pm
Macmillan Cake Sale: 29th September 2023
We are pleased to announce we have been awarded the Silver Award from the Woodland Trust. It has been an ongoing project since last year; we have been recycling in school and creating images using natural materials. To gain the Silver award we have planted trees, created tree champions and the school council have made posters about reducing CO2 emissions. We will be continuing with eco activities hoping to achieve the gold award.
We are pleased to announce we have been awarded the Bronze Award from the Woodland Trust. It has been an ongoing project since last year; we have been recycling in school, creating images using natural materials and we will be continuing with eco activities to achieve the silver and gold award by the end of the year.